UN LIVRE, UNE RECETTE #1 : Macarons "Moonlight Over Paris" ENGLISH

After I read Moonlight Over Paris, I thought about macarons. It's very "cliché" but I've easily imagined Zelda FITZGERALD and Helena Parr (the main character of the novel) in a bakery and buying these pastries.

I'd like to apologize if there are mistakes. It's difficult to translate in English the steps of the recipe. In French, we use specific words.

Two flavors. The macaron in purple is chocolate/hazelnut flavor. The macaron in pink is raspberry flavor. I've been inspired by the colors of the cover ! Such a fantastic book !

Quantities for only one color !

  • 2 egg whites
  • 2/3 cup of powdered almonds
  • 1/2 cup (4 oz) of icing sugar
  • 1/2 cup (4 oz) of powdered sugar
  • Powdered food color. Color of your choice.
  • A jar of raspberry jam and / or chocolate spread (with hazelnuts)
  • An electric mixer
  • A spatula (une maryse)
  • A piping (pastry) bag
  • Baking Paper (baking parchment)

Oven 293°F / 15 min

:: STEP 1 ::
  • Mix the powdered almonds with icing sugar. Put aside.
  • In a bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form (add at the beginning a pinch of salt). Add the powdered sugar, the powdered food color and beat the mixture until un bec d'oiseau (nozzle of bird).
  • Add the mixture "powdered almonds / Icing sugar". Blend with the spatula until it seems there is un ruban (a ribbon). This step is called macaronnage.
:: STEP 2 ::
  • Place a sheet of parchment paper on your oven tray. On your baking paper, you can make circles about 1.18 inch with a compass.
  • Fill your pastry bag. On the baking paper, put the mixture staggered (en quinconce).
  • Take your oven tray and tap (slowly) on your table. This step is necessary for a homogeneous macaron.
  • Put aside during 30 min in a dry place.
:: STEP 3 ::
  • Preheat your oven to 293°F.
  • Bake your macarons during 15 min. Put a wooden spoon to leave the oven door ajar but if you have the fan setting, it isn't necessary.
  • Let cool.
  • Fill macaron shells with jam or chocolate spread. 
Chocolate spread (recipe on Marmiton) :
  • 8.8 oz of butter
  • 5.3 oz of dark chocolate
  • A tin of sweetened condensed milk
  • Powdered hazelnut
Melt the chocolate and butter. Off the heat, add sweetened condensed milk and hazelnut. Let cool.

Bon macaron ! Régalez-vous !

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